Bouwe våntar på vind för sjä'tte dagen.

Positionsrapporyerna är fiktiva,, en pust från rätt håll kan kasta om ställningen.

Det kunde vara Östersjän i juli och ÅFOR, så nära ligger VOR-båtarna, men drönarna flyger fint och ger oss nra bilder från ett lugnt hav.
En sjätte dag med svaga vindar och bara någon knops fart för det mesta är vad Bouwe & CVo har att stå ut med i väntan på att komma in i passadvinden. Bara när man möter moln, kommer vind, men då kanske inte från rätt håll. Isåfall blir det mycket släpande av segel och snabba beslut för att komma på rätt sida av pustarna. Likväl har dygnet torsdag-fredag gett Brunel en skaplig position i mitt av fältet i hopp om att ligga rätt när en mer stadig bris kommer. Frågan är bara när? Vädermodellerna sägert 100 M till vunden, men det ändrar sig fort. Taktiken är dock att hålla sig nära övriga och inte chansa taktiskt på ett eget spår.
Update from skipper Bouwe Bekking on Team Brunel:
The girls and boys of Team Brunel have been battling the last 24 hours for every inch / centimetre of progress.
The breeze has been again very fickle and we had again some "nice" thunderstorms, meaning doing multiple gybes and tacks in each watch. Even the jib has come out on several occasions, but that was more in very light spots to protect our Code zero from flogging to bits and pieces as there is running a nasty swell. The big bonus is that we have been reeling in and having a visual on MAPFRE and TTT, who are now 90 degrees to leeward of us.
Also there was time for some big fun when we crossed the equator as we are having a first timer onboard in the person of Sam Newton.
Just after crossing the big line, Neptune was already coming onboard. He looked revived since the last crossing, most likely had a visit to the plastic surgeon, as he was looking much younger and not carrying a beard anymore.
But he was on his best and had some very good inside information regarding the "crimes" Sam had committed in the past and as well onboard our boat. So Neptune gave us a great performance and punished Sam for what he has done.
For sure every time Sam comes on deck for the rest of this leg, his looks will give us all grins.
Update from skipper Bouwe Bekking on Team Brunel:
The girls and boys of Team Brunel have been battling the last 24 hours for every inch / centimetre of progress.
The breeze has been again very fickle and we had again some "nice" thunderstorms, meaning doing multiple gybes and tacks in each watch. Even the jib has come out on several occasions, but that was more in very light spots to protect our Code zero from flogging to bits and pieces as there is running a nasty swell. The big bonus is that we have been reeling in and having a visual on MAPFRE and TTT, who are now 90 degrees to leeward of us.
Also there was time for some big fun when we crossed the equator as we are having a first timer onboard in the person of Sam Newton.
Just after crossing the big line, Neptune was already coming onboard. He looked revived since the last crossing, most likely had a visit to the plastic surgeon, as he was looking much younger and not carrying a beard anymore.
But he was on his best and had some very good inside information regarding the "crimes" Sam had committed in the past and as well onboard our boat. So Neptune gave us a great performance and punished Sam for what he has done.
For sure every time Sam comes on deck for the rest of this leg, his looks will give us all grins.