Your background in sailing?
Sailing from the 80s to today, competition and pleasure sailing.

Your expectations?
I would expect good weather for the race.

Preparations will be done following OSR Cat3 and Notice Of Race 2024.

We have made some new equipment purchases and upgrades.
This year we have a new North Sails S2 Spinnaker.

Food - home cooked, freeze-dried?
During the sail racing we mainly eat dry food to which boiled water is added, there are many different options.

We are a crew of two in the Gotland Runt Course - Double Handed (SRS) class, so we change the rest cycle depending on the weather conditions.

What do you think about this years course?
I like that the Gotland Runt goes Classic, start and finish is in Sandhamn.

Any plan yet on how to sail?
The plan is to sail the given route around the island of Gotland as fast as possible without forgetting safety.

Some other fun ?
Thanks to all the organizers of the race

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