
Vestas Charlie Enright och projektladaren Mark Towill med besättning ser ut att få stå över även leg 6 - skadorna kanske måste lagas i Auckland.


Idag torsdag 1 februari startar leg 5 i VOR från Hong Kong till Guangzhou i Kina och om en vecka 7  februari startar nästa etapp mot Auckland. Olycksaliga Vestas har meddelat att man inte deltar i benet till KIna, men har ännu inte sagt om båten kan lagas på plats i Hong Kong och deltar i nästa etapp. Spekulationer säger att båten behöver fraktas till Nya Zeeland för att kunna vara med på de följande fem etapperna. 

Både Vestas och Volvo är som musslor, säger inget om vad som sker, inget om kollisionen är föremål för en haveriutredning, inget om händelseförloppet, inget om besättningen är intakt eller om navigatören. som när Vestas körde upp på Cagos Reef i förra seglingen, ska bytas ut. . 

Ovanpå det har tävlingsledningen fått svara på om de medverkade till regelbrott. när Rick Tomlinson, denna gång landbunden bildredigerare i Alicante, frågade Scallywag om de var nöjda med sin kurs mot ett rev utanför Indonesien.

estas 11th Hour Racing has informed Volvo Ocean Race that the team will not be participating in inshore racing in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China, as well as Leg 5 from Hong Kong to Guangzhou.

The team is currently coordinating necessary repairs to the boat caused by the collision with a non-racing vessel on Saturday 20 January.

"First and foremost, our thoughts and condolences are with the families affected by this tragic incident," said Mark Towill from Hong Kong.

"At this time, we are still assessing all of our options to return to the race," said Charlie Enright. "We once again thank everyone for their continued support."

Practice racing on Thursday, followed by the In-Port Race and Around Hong Kong Race this weekend as well as Pro-Am Racing at the start of next week, are all programmed to take place in Hong Kong.

The fleet of Volvo Ocean 65s will then depart in Leg 5 for Guangzhou on Wednesday 31 January for the next stopover in mainland China.

Dee Caffari, skipper, Turn the Tide on Plastic: "What I'm most proud of in my team is that although we have not yet got any results, they have not once dropped their heads. They're still fighting hard and they’re developing even more self-belief and confidence that our time will come."

David Witt, skipper, Sun Hung Kai/Scallywag: “I don’t think winning Leg 4 will change how we sail. Maybe we’re a bit more confident. But you’re only as good as your last race so we’re about to get back to reality pretty quickly.“

Bouwe Bekking, skipper Team Brunel: “You have to love racing and you have to love the ocean. It’s a big challenge to get a team together. It’s not all sunshine. You have big struggles and it’s nice to come through that with your team. Of course, you want to win. I haven’t won the race – three times second – so that remains the goal. That’s the motivation.”

Simeon Tienpont, skipper, team AkzoNobel: “Bouwe was my hero when I was a kid. He’s still my hero! As a child you get inspired by this adventure. There’s only a small group of people who do this. It’s a team sport, and you have to get each other through the tough moments. It’s not like soccer where you can get a taxi back to the hotel. Here, whatever happens, you have to get through it together and that’s what inspires me about the Volvo Ocean Race.”

Charles Caudrelier, skipper, Dongfeng Race Team: “The leg to Auckland is what I call a dangerous leg. We have to cross the Doldrums and we know it’s complicated and a bit random and we’re concerned about being the guys who catch a bad cloud this time. But it’s also one of the best legs as you arrive in Auckland which is a fantastic place where people really know offshore racing and love the race.”

Xabi Fernández, skipper, MAPFRE: “It does make us crazy (losing miles in the Doldrums)! But you can jump or you can stay. We have to stay and stick it out.”


Question from Race Director Phil Lawrence Regarding Rule 41:

“On Leg 4 Race Control noticed that SHK Scallywag was on collision course with a reef and sent the boat the e-mail below:

Hi Libby/Dave:

Just so I can relax a bit here in Race Control, tell me you are happy with you course in relation to Nerues Reef on Landsdown Bank. The Australian Charts have the Reef extending to 160 35E which is further east than the C-Map charts show.

-Rick Tomlinson, Race Control


Race Control did not give SHK Scallywag any further navigation advice. SHK Scallywag lost 50 miles whilst the crew worked out a way around the reef.

Does this constitute outside assistance under RRS 41 as the crew were in danger? Please would you consider and advise.”


The Jury advises that Race Control’s action did not result in a breach of rule 41 by SHK Scallywag. SHK Scallywag did receive help from an outside source, in this case the Race Control.

However, the help given is permitted under rule 41(d). The information was not requested by SHK Scallywag so it was unsolicited information. The source, in this case a member of the Race Control, was a disinterested source for the purposes of rule 41 because he had no personal or other interest in the position of SHK Scallywag relative to other boats in the race. Nor would he gain or lose in any way as a result of the position of SHK Scallywag in the race.

The source was an employee of Volvo Ocean Race who, as a member of Race Control, has a responsibility for the safety of all competitors. Asking the question he did was therefore a proper action for him to take.

-International Jury, Hong Kong

 Hong Kong.jpg

Racen i Hong Kong bjöd på taktisk segling i lätt vind. Dong Feng och Mapfre vann var sin segling.



Mapfre vann, gick i mål med protestflagg satt för Scallywags beteende i starten, men lämnade inte in den.





Charles Caudrelier med Dongfeng ligger tvåa efter fyra ben och nu väntar ett nytt chansartat ben i tropikerna.


Curt Gelin

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